This dark drama follows the journey of two vulnerable adolescent boys navigating an unforgiving urban world. They are surrounded by seemingly normal people who turn out to be vicious monsters. Their naive senses are abused, and their survival hangs by a thread.
I set the stage in a back alley, a place where sinister events unfold, capturing the harshness of their reality. This back alley represented an icy, corrupt metropolitan society where no one cares about each other, emphasizing a world devoid of compassion.
The bleak environment and constant threat of danger highlighted their struggle to find their place in the society and maintain their innocence amidst the surrounding chaos. The stark contrast between their vulnerability and the brutality of their environment served to amplify the emotional impact of their journey.
Manuscript: Vasilij Sigarev
Direction: Yngve Sundvor
Lighting design: Torkel Skjærven
Photo: Erik Aavatsmark