By adding five fairies to Dickens' Et juleeventyr (A Christmas Carol), the show opened in a fairy tale-like world inspired by the concept of a winter wonderland where magic could happen. Despite the darkness inherent in the story, the production maintained a positive spirit throughout, leading up to the fairies successfully helping Scrooge see the world with his heart.
In contrast to Scrooge's colorless world, the vibrant colors highlighted the happier times. The seemingly cold atmosphere at the beginning of the show was replaced by a beautiful winter day at the end, welcoming Christmas as we all wish for it to be.
Et Juleeventyr
Aalborg Teater
Book by Charles Dickens
Manuscript: Irina Malochevskaja and Kjersti Haugen
Direction: Kjersti Haugen
Lighting design: Ingrid Skanke Høsøien
Photo: Lars Horn